pastel - パステル画
2019年以降は コチラ(new website)
In the fall of 2017, I met a stray cat tabby kitten in the garden. Until then, I hadn't actively made cats into works.
I had never had any experience with cats before, I was obsessed with the charm of cats as if I was taken to a completely different world
through this tea tabby cat that I invited to my atelier.
私は以前、食材専門店で働いていました。毎日目にする色とりどりのドライフルーツやナッツ、お豆やスパイス。それらが店頭に美しく並んでいる(並べている)光景が好きでした。 メーカーさんからお話を伺ったり、海外での生産風景を写真でみせていただいたり、産地での味の違い、品種の違い、そんなことを自分なりに学ぶことが、楽しくてしょうがありませんでした。
I used to work in a specialty food store.
The colorful dried fruits, nuts, beans and spices I saw every day. I loved the view of them beautifully lined up in the store (which I was arranging).
Sometimes I listened to stories from the manufacturers, and sometimes I was shown pictures of production scenes overseas. It was fun to learn about the differences in taste and variety in those regions.
oil painting - 油彩 -
〜My "old man" to me...
Not "old man" but "OYAJI."
I feel the stubbornness, sloppiness, and clumsiness in that word.
It even has a negative element, an accent, a peculiarity.
That's what "OYAJI" means to me.
The kind of "OYAJI" that's hard to relate to in real life.
For some reason, I feel like I want to paint people with such peculiarities.
For me, my father, a construction worker and manual laborer, was the "OYAJI" closest to me.
pencil - 鉛筆画 -